News Chemistry

Hydrogen Stored as Powder

In the search for a safe and economical way to store hydrogen, scientists worldwide have made a breakthrough. An Australian research team from Deakin University

 News Technology

Diamonds as Quantum Computer Memory

A new breakthrough in diamond production has been achieved, with researchers at Saga University and Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel Company developing a method to create

 News Chemistry

Palladium Nanoparticles Store Hydrogen

A new technology based on “nanopralines” made of palladium could simplify the use of hydrogen as a climate-neutral fuel by reducing the amount of energy

 News Biology

Combatting Food Moths: Repeat Measures

Persistent and hard to get rid of, food moths are a common problem in many households. The eggs of these insects are highly resistant and

 News Technology

Revolutionary Super-Chip: 3D XPoint

Intel to Revolutionize Computer Technology with New Super-Chip Intel is set to begin production of a new super-chip later this year that will perform storage