News Medicine

New Anxiety Suppression Gene Found

A breakthrough discovery has been made in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Scientists at the University of Bristol have identified a gene that regulates anxiety

 News Medicine

Alcohol Reduces Risk of Stress-Related Heart Attack

Alcohol consumption in moderation can reduce the risk of stress-related heart attacks, with the strongest effect seen in people with anxiety disorders. A study published

 News Medicine

Reverse Aging Process Quickly

Aging is a natural process that affects all living beings, and humans are no exception. However, recent research has shown that the biological age of

 News Medicine

Cannabis: Aggression, Anxiety, and Stress

A recent study conducted by the Icahn School of Medicine and the City University of New York has found that consuming cannabis during pregnancy can

 News Psychology

Increased Gun Violence During Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the United States, with one of the most notable effects being a surge in gun violence.

 News Medicine

Football Watching Increases Heart Attack Risk

The 2014 World Cup saw a significant increase in heart attacks among German viewers, according to a study by researchers at the Center for Cardiology

 News Psychology

Quit smoking boosts mental health.

Smoking cessation for just six weeks has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and other physical problems. According to a meta-study conducted by the University

 News Biology

Mysterious Elephant Deaths in Botswana

In recent weeks, hundreds of elephants have died in a national park in Botswana, leaving government officials, scientists, and conservationists puzzled as to the cause.

 News Medicine

Reduce Stress with 20 Minutes in Nature

A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology has found that spending time in nature can significantly reduce stress levels. Researchers from the

 News Medicine

Brain Resilience Boosted by Bacteria Vaccine

A recent study conducted on rats has shown that a vaccine made from bacteria can prevent inflammation in the brain caused by stress. Clinical trials