News Psychology

People are more honest

Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to 85 years old than pessimists, according to a study by Boston University School of Medicine.

 News Medicine

Reduce Heart Disease Risk with Naps

A new study has found that taking one or two short naps per week can reduce stress levels and improve overall health. However, frequent napping

 News Psychology

Optimism Increases Lifespan: Study

Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to 85 years old than pessimists, according to a study by Boston University School of Medicine.

 News Medicine

Track Health with Camera App

A new method of measuring blood pressure, pulse, and stress levels using smartphone videos has been developed by scientists at the University of Toronto. The

 News Biology

Why Cats Love Boxes So Much

Cats and cardboard boxes seem to have a magical attraction. But why is that? A team of scientists from the Veterinary Medicine University of Utrecht

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation alters DNA.

Sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on our health, according to a recent study by scientists at the University of Surrey in England. The