News Psychology

Income Boosts Self-Esteem

A higher income can improve one’s perceived self-worth, according to various studies. Researchers from the City, University of London found that comparing salaries with colleagues

 News Psychology

Why do people cheat?

A third of people in relationships in Germany have been unfaithful, according to a recent study. Elite Partner conducted a survey of around 5,600 participants,

 News Biology

Vegan Diet for Cats: Suitable?

A recent study conducted by the University of Winchester has investigated whether vegan diets are suitable for cats, who are carnivores and primarily consume meat.

 News Medicine

New Aspirin Side Effect in Seniors

A recent study conducted by the Monash University has discovered a dangerous side effect of aspirin that can be harmful to older adults. Many seniors

 News Economics

Money Brings Happiness After All

A new study has challenged the long-held belief that higher income does not necessarily equate to greater happiness. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have

 News Medicine

Habits for 20 Extra Years

A healthy lifestyle can add over 20 years to a person’s life, according to a recent study by researchers at the University of Illinois at

 News Psychology

The Power of Anger: Beneficial or Harmful?

A recent study conducted by researchers at Texas A&M University has explored the potential benefits of anger as an emotion. According to the theory in

 News Medicine

Brain changes in social media users

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has found that the brains of teenagers who frequently use

 News Psychology

Car Brand Linked to Driver IQ

A recent study conducted by Censuswide and ScrapCarComparison has found a correlation between the intelligence quotient (IQ) of drivers and the brand of their cars.

 News Medicine

Global trend: Longer penises

The average size of erect penises has been increasing globally, according to a metastudy conducted by researchers at Stanford University. The study, led by urologist