News Economics

Germany Could Save €16 Billion with Sugar Tax

A sugar tax could significantly reduce the consumption of soft drinks, saving the German economy and healthcare system €16 billion. High sugar consumption is associated

 News Medicine

Sugary Drinks Increase Liver Cancer Risk

Consuming sugary drinks on a regular basis increases the risk of liver cancer and chronic liver diseases, according to a recent study by researchers at

 News Psychology

Supermarket Manipulation Unveiled

Psychological tricks used in supermarkets to encourage customers to fill their shopping carts with unhealthy snacks can also be used to encourage healthier food choices,

 News Economics

Sugar Tax Reduces Beverage Consumption

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge has found that a sugar tax on sweetened beverages in the UK has significantly

 News Medicine

Double Liver Fat Production with Added Sugar

A moderate consumption of sugar significantly increases the production of fat in the liver, which in turn raises the risk of diseases such as type

 News Economics

Sugar Tax Reduces Soda Consumption.

A new study has found that a tax on artificially sweetened drinks has significantly reduced consumption among children and teenagers. In Philadelphia, high school students