News Technology

Electric vehicle generates more power

The Lynx electric dump truck generates more electricity than it consumes during operation. This massive vehicle, weighing in at 58 tons, was previously a diesel-powered

 News Physics

18-Year Solar Energy Storage System

Swedish scientists at the University of Chalmers have developed a new energy system that can store solar energy for up to 18 years. The Molecular

 News Environment

Acceptance of Labor Meat in Germany

A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at the University of Osnabrück has shed light on the potential for in-vitro meat to become a staple in

 News Technology

Self-healing composite for wind turbines

A new composite material has been developed that can self-repair using a thermoplastic healing agent, significantly increasing the lifespan of wind turbines. Laminated composite materials

 News Chemistry

Waste to Resource: Simplified Process

A groundbreaking new process has been developed that simplifies the recycling of plastics. Scientists at Cornell University have presented a new method for recycling polystyrene

 News Technology

Battery Containers for Electric Cargo Ships

A US-based start-up, Fleetzero, has developed a battery system that can power container ships without local emissions. The eight-tonne battery containers, which are secured against

 News Chemistry

Modified bacteria produce industrial chemicals.

Scientists at Northwestern University in Evanston and LanzaTech have developed a biotechnological process that makes the production of the chemicals acetone and isopropanol less harmful

 News Environment

Antarctic Tourism Accelerates Ice Melt

Antarctica is becoming an increasingly popular destination for tourists, with over 74,000 visitors in the 2019/2020 season alone. However, a new study from the Universidad

 News Environment

Germans produce excessive waste

Germany is one of the top producers of waste in the European Union (EU), according to data from Eurostat. The amount of waste generated per

 News Chemistry

Unmeltable Ice Made from Water

Revolutionary Super-Ice Developed for Sustainable Food Cooling A new type of ice has been developed by scientists at the University of California in Davis (UC