News Environment

Lab-grown Chicken Nuggets Approved

In a world where concerns about mass animal farming, climate change, and animal welfare are on the rise, lab-grown meat may offer a solution. Lab-grown

 News Technology

Cows’ toilets fight climate change

Scientists have successfully created coffee powder in a laboratory that tastes and smells like regular coffee. The product is expected to hit the market in

 News Geology

Underwater groundwater found near Malta

A recent discovery of a large freshwater reserve beneath the sea floor off the coast of Malta has raised hopes that similar reserves may exist

 News Environment

Microbes turn plastic waste into protein

Revolutionary Research Project Wins Future Insight Prize 2021 In a groundbreaking research project, Ting Lu from the University of Illinois and Stephen Techtmann from the

 News Technology

New Record Efficiency for Flexible Solar Cells

A new breakthrough in solar cell technology has been achieved by scientists at the Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (Empa) in Switzerland. They have developed a

 News Environment

Revolutionary Software for Eco-City Design

Cities have long been hotspots for pollution, noise, and waste, but how can they be made more sustainable and greener? This is one of the

 News Environment

“Earth’s Black Box” Chronicles Climate Change

In a bid to preserve environmental data for future generations, scientists at the University of Tasmania have teamed up with Clemenger BBDO to develop Earth’s

 News Physics

Microwave creates graphite from coal dust.

Scientists have developed a new method to create graphite from coal dust using a conventional microwave. Graphite, a soft carbon variant, is a sought-after resource

 News Environment

Researchers call for higher CO2 tax

Scientists, managers, and politicians have jointly called for a significant increase in the CO2 price to limit climate change. According to a study by the

 News Chemistry

Transforming Plastic Waste into Kerosene

A new process has been developed by scientists at Washington State University that can turn plastic waste into airplane fuel in just one hour. The