News Environment

Man-made Technosphere surpasses Earth’s biomass.

The human impact on the planet has been immense, with cities, roads, and large structures like dams altering the Earth more than any other living

 News Technology

Color-changing artificial “skin” for camouflage

Volkswagen Unveils Autonomous Charging Robot for Electric Cars Volkswagen Group Components (VWGC) has announced the development of an autonomous charging robot for electric cars. The

 News Physics

Record Efficiency in Transparent Solar Cells

Scientists have developed a new method to create graphite from coal dust using a conventional microwave. Graphite is a sought-after material used in pencils, lithium-ion

 News Biology

Revolutionary Photosynthesis Produces Hydrogen

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers from the University of Bristol and the Polytechnic University of Harbin have developed a new method for producing hydrogen using

 News Environment

Mushroom Leather Innovation

Mushroom-based vegan leather is a more environmentally friendly and cheaper alternative to traditional animal leather, while still possessing similar tactile properties and being biodegradable. Leather

 News Chemistry

Saving Sharks with Synthetic Squalene

In a groundbreaking development, scientists have successfully produced squalene, a key ingredient in many vaccines, in a laboratory setting. Squalene, an organic compound found in

 News Environment

Illegal Deforestation Fuels Charcoal Production

The use of charcoal for grilling has long been criticized by environmental organizations such as the Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V. (NABU) due to its contribution

 News Environment

Upcycling Used Baby Diapers

Disposable diapers are a major contributor to the world’s waste problem, with over three billion being thrown away every day. In Germany alone, 8.4 million

 News Technology

Floating Wind Turbine Tested Successfully

A floating wind turbine model, Nezzy2, has been successfully tested during a storm surge in the Baltic Sea. The full-sized Nezzy2 will be tested for

 News Chemistry

Stable Silicon Carbonyl Complex Made

In a breakthrough discovery, researchers from the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen and the University of Duisburg-Essen have found a cost-effective alternative to using rare and expensive