News Environment

Shortened Danube by 134 km.

The Danube River, the second-longest river in Europe, has been shortened by 134 kilometers due to human intervention, according to a recent study. Additionally, only

 News Technology

US Military to Receive Mobile Nuclear Power Plants

The US military is set to receive a mobile nuclear reactor to power remote bases both domestically and abroad. According to the Department of Defense,

 News Chemistry

McDonald’s Fryer Oil Transformed into 3D Printing Material

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of Toronto Scarborough have created a new resin for 3D printers using old cooking oil from McDonald’s.

 News Biology

Lab-grown meat coming to supermarkets

Lab-grown meat, once an unaffordable luxury, is now on the verge of being introduced in supermarkets in the United States. In recent years, there has

 News Environment

Replacing Insecticides with Pheromones

Insect pests are responsible for a significant portion of global crop losses. While insecticides protect against the problem, they are heavily criticized in the public

 News Chemistry

Blue Energy: Replacing 2,000 Nuclear Plants

A new membrane could revolutionize the use of osmotic power plants, also known as “blue energy,” and potentially replace up to 2,000 nuclear power plants.

 News Chemistry

Power from pee: Microbial fuel cell

A microbial fuel cell that costs less than three euros can generate enough electricity from urine to charge a smartphone. This eco-friendly technology could be

 News Chemistry

Beer waste turned into carbon nanotubes

A new method has been developed to convert grain waste from beer production into activated carbon and carbon nanotubes, which can be used for water

 News Economics

The enduring popularity of light bulbs

The classic incandescent light bulb was banned by the EU in 2009, yet many of these energy-consuming bulbs still burn in German households. However, switching

 News Technology

Nano Coating Saves Water and Keeps Toilets Clean

Every day, approximately 141 billion liters of drinking water are wasted on flushing toilets. However, a new nanocoating for toilets could make them practically self-cleaning