News Environment

Eco-Friendly Bio-Plastics for Packaging

A new type of bioplastic made from renewable resources and biodegradable materials could replace traditional packaging materials in the future. Researchers have been experimenting with

 News Technology

Revolutionary 1,000-Core Processor Runs on Single AA Battery

The image of electric cars as slow, small vehicles with limited range is outdated. Today, engineers are competing to create the fastest electric race cars.

 News Biology

Tree Grafted with 40 Fruits

In a groundbreaking achievement, a professor of art has created a tree that bears 40 different fruits simultaneously. Sam van Aken, a professor at Syracuse

 News Environment

Banning Gas and Diesel by 2050

Germany Joins ZEV Alliance at Paris Climate Summit Germany has joined the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Alliance at the Paris Climate Summit, which means that

 News Technology

3-Month Solar Lamp: Affordable Power

Over three billion people on Earth currently live without access to electricity, and therefore, without light. Micro Power Design, a benefit corporation, aims to change

 News Technology

Power-free fridge innovation

Berlin-based start-up company has been working on a refrigerator that operates without electricity since 2012. Julia Römer, an industrial engineer, wanted to reduce the electricity

 News Technology

Tires Generate Power with Pressure and Heat

Goodyear Tire & Rubber, the US-based tire manufacturer, has unveiled a new tire designed specifically for electric cars. The BH03 tire uses both piezoelectric and

 News Physics

New Superconductor Conducts at Room Temperature

In a groundbreaking discovery, an international team of scientists has developed a superconductor that no longer needs to be cooled to transport electricity without resistance.

 News Technology

Sail-hulled Cargo Ships Harness Wind

In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of shipping, Norwegian engineer Terje Lade has developed a new type of cargo ship that uses wind

 News Technology

Netherlands builds solar bike path.

A revolutionary solar bike path that generates electricity for multiple households is being developed in the Netherlands. The small town of Krommenie, located about 25