News Economics

CO?-Reduction doesn’t harm competitiveness

A new study by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has found that reducing CO2 emissions does not necessarily lead to economic disadvantages for companies. The

 News Economics

Exploring Acceptance of Insects as Food

Insects have been approved as food in the EU, but a recent study conducted by researchers at the Technical University of Berlin has found that

 News Environment

10g Meat Daily: New German Guideline

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has significantly reduced its recommendations for meat consumption. By the end of 2023, the guideline is expected to be

 News Environment

Plastic-eating Fungi and Bacteria Found in China

Plastic waste is a major environmental problem, with humans producing around 400 million tons of plastic waste annually. Unfortunately, plastic waste is not biodegradable and

 News Environment

Politics must promote eco-friendly behavior

The German government’s environmental policy has long focused on the industrial sector. However, a recent report by the Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen (SRU) suggests that the

 News Economics

Satisfaction over Wealth: No Billionaires Wanted

A recent study challenges the long-held belief in economics that humans have unlimited desires and constantly strive for more wealth. Researchers from the University of

 News Biology

Bacteria produce Omega-3 without fish

Innovative Start-Up Finds Sustainable Way to Produce Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids are widely consumed by people to prevent heart disease, high blood pressure,

 News Medicine

Microplastics in Contact Lenses: Eye Danger

A new study by scientists at Nanjing University has found that contact lenses can release microplastic particles into the eyes when exposed to sunlight. The

 News Chemistry

Paracetamol from waste byproduct

The pharmaceutical industry has long been known for its negative impact on the environment, with many medications relying on crude oil as a key ingredient.

 News Environment

USA Allows Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

The United States has become the second country to allow the sale of lab-grown chicken meat, with two companies receiving approval from the Food Safety