News Chemistry

Plant-based coating preserves food longer.

A new plant-based coating has been developed that can replace plastic packaging and keep food fresh. The coating is made from biopolymers derived from food

 News Environment

Worms Eat Plastic and Styrofoam

In a world where plastic waste is a growing concern, scientists at the University of Queensland may have found a solution in the form of

 News Chemistry

Mushroom-made Paper, Leather, and Thread

In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of textile and paper production, researchers at the University of Borås have developed a process that uses

 News Technology

High-Rise Buildings as Batteries

In the coming years, renewable energy will play a significant role in the world’s energy production. However, the production of wind and solar energy is

 News Technology

One-Third Prefer Hydrogen Cars

Innovative Gel Extracts Drinking Water from Dry Desert Air More than a third of the world’s population already lives in regions with significant water scarcity,

 News Technology

China’s 100MW Compressed Air Energy Storage

A new technology has been developed that allows conventional diesel engines to run on hydrogen, increasing efficiency and significantly reducing CO2 emissions. Scientists at the

 News Environment

Bacteria that eat plastic waste

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at the University of Austin have modified a natural enzyme that allows bacteria to break down the commonly used plastic,

 News Technology

Autonomous Ship Crosses Atlantic: Mayflower 400

The Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) has set sail on its autonomous Atlantic crossing, with plans to reach the United States in three to four weeks.

 News Economics

German Energy-Saving Habits

The ongoing war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on energy consumption in German households. According to a survey conducted by Bitkom e.V., since

 News Biology

Egg Protein Without Chickens

The Every Company, a San Francisco-based start-up, has successfully produced artificial egg white that is indistinguishable from natural egg white. This breakthrough product does not