News Physics

Generating Electricity from Humidity with Nanomaterials

A new generator made from a nanomaterial with micropores can now harness energy from humidity in the air. Developed in China, this system can power

 News Technology

Unlimited Range, Zero Emissions Yacht

The Swiss Sustainable Yachts AG (SSY) has developed a new yacht called AQUON One that can produce its own hydrogen fuel. Equipped with a photovoltaic

 News Environment

Endless Recyclable Plastic from Bacteria

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have successfully modified E. coli bacteria to produce a type of bioplastic that can

 News Physics

Boosting Hydrogen Electrolysis with Sound Waves

Researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, have developed a new method to produce green hydrogen using sound waves. Hydrogen is produced by splitting water

 News Chemistry

Waste to Hydrogen Storage Solution

A new recycling process has been discovered that could revolutionize the production of metal hydride storage for hydrogen fuel. Metal hydride storage is a promising

 News Chemistry

Solar Energy Converts CO2 to Food

A groundbreaking new protein powder called Solein has been developed by Finnish startup Solar Foods Ltd. Unlike traditional agriculture, Solein is created through a fermentation

 News Technology

Transparent Wood Created by Researchers

In a groundbreaking discovery, US researchers have successfully made wood transparent, similar to glass. The two-step process involves treating the wood with chemicals, including sodium

 News Environment

First Harvest on Martian Soil

Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands have successfully grown vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and peas on simulated Mars and Moon soil. The soil

 News Technology

Air-powered cars: The future?

French-Luxembourgish company MDI is developing a car that uses compressed air as fuel and is set to compete with electric vehicles. The car, called AirPod,