News Technology

Revolutionary Cooling System for ACs

A new cooling system based on the electrocaloric effect could revolutionize the way we cool our homes and buildings. Currently, about one-fifth of global electricity

 News Psychology

Can Humans Distinguish AI Faces?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in recent years, particularly in generating texts, images, and videos. A study by the New York University Abu

 News Technology

China tests special material for hypersonic planes.

China has developed a new coating for hyperspeed aircraft that can withstand long flights. Hyperspeed, which is over Mach 5 (6,175 km/h), could revolutionize both

 News Technology

Voice-based alcohol detection on smartphones.

A new app has been developed that can accurately detect blood alcohol concentration through a person’s voice. The developers claim that this technology can help

 News Technology

Ultrasonic Kitchen Knife Start-up

Revolutionary Ultrasound Kitchen Knife Developed by Start-Up 369Sonic In a world-first, Czech start-up 369Sonic has developed an innovative kitchen knife that uses ultrasound technology to

 News Astronomy

NASA Releases Independent UFO Study

In the United States, there has been a surge in UFO sightings, prompting the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to conduct an independent study

 News Technology

Self-building robot constructs houses

The Hadrian X robot can build a complete house from standardized bricks. It works significantly faster than humans and requires only minimal personnel. In many

 News Technology

Wireless Charging for Electric Cars

Germany is set to install a public test track for electric vehicles that can be charged while driving using magnetic coils embedded in the road.

 News Physics

China achieves breakthrough in nuclear fusion

China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), also known as China’s artificial sun, has achieved a new breakthrough in nuclear fusion. The construction of an industrial

 News Technology

ChatGPT outperforms students in exams.

The language model ChatGPT has outperformed students in various subjects, according to recent research. A study conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)