News Medicine

Self-Dissolving Heart Pacemaker

The development of a fully biodegradable temporary pacemaker has been hailed as a significant breakthrough in modern medicine. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people

 News Biology

Revival of Microorganisms After 24,000 Years

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a multi-cellular microorganism that has survived for 24,000 years in the Siberian permafrost. The organism, a type of

 News Biology

Elephants suck water at 540 km/h

Elephants are known for their impressive trunks, which can be used for a variety of tasks. Researchers at Zoo Atlanta recently conducted an experiment to

 News Medicine

Human Genome Decoded Completely

In 2001, several research groups announced that they had decoded 92% of the human genome, a milestone for biomedical research and science as a whole.

 News Biology

Rare Material Found in Giant Snail’s Teeth

The Red-Giant African Land Snail, also known as the “Wandering Meatloaf,” may not look like much, but it possesses a remarkable material in its teeth.

 News Technology

Laser beams prevent lightning strikes.

A new laser lightning rod has been developed to manipulate the path of lightning strikes, providing protection for large buildings such as airports. Traditional lightning

 News Environment

Earth’s Stratosphere Thinning from Greenhouse Gases

The Earth’s stratosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere, has been continuously thinning due to climate change since the 1980s. While it has been known

 News Environment

Melting Arctic Ice Accelerates

The Arctic ice is melting at an unprecedented rate, according to observations made by scientists aboard the German research vessel Polarstern and satellite data analysis.

 News Technology

AI to save rare whale species

The Atlantic North Right Whale, one of the world’s most endangered species, is facing extinction. However, a new technology has been developed to help preserve

 News Economics

Cheaper Wind Energy in Future

The cost of wind energy is set to significantly decrease in the coming years, with experts predicting a possible halving by 2050. According to a