News Physics

New Property of Light Discovered

Physicists have discovered a new property of light that not only spirals but also changes its winding density. The discovery has opened up new possibilities

 News Technology

Wirelessly Transmit Music via Laser-Frequency Comb

In a groundbreaking study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists at Harvard University have successfully transmitted a radio signal using a

 News Technology

New hydrogen train replaces diesel

A new hydrogen-powered train, known as the Hydrail, has been unveiled in Ludwigshafen, Germany. The train, manufactured by Alstom, is designed to replace traditional diesel

 News Technology

Virtual Cemeteries and QR Codes

The digital age has now reached the final resting place, with QR codes on gravestones, cemetery apps, and virtual cemeteries on the rise and gaining

 News Technology

Gas Lens Scatters UV Light

In a breakthrough discovery, a team of researchers from the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin has developed a lens that can manipulate extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light. Until

 News Technology

Mind-Controlled Chat with Implant

In a breakthrough discovery, a team of researchers from the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin has developed a lens that can manipulate extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light. Until

 News Technology

Ion-Powered Plane Takes Flight

In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers at MIT have successfully flown an aircraft without the use of traditional propellers, turbines, or jets. Instead, the aircraft was

 News Technology

China uses artificial news anchors

In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers at MIT have successfully flown an aircraft without the use of traditional propellers, turbines, or jets. Instead, the aircraft was

 News Technology

Mind-Reading Headset Developed

Researchers at MIT have developed a headset that can be controlled by thoughts. The device, called AlterEgo, uses electric signals in facial muscles to interpret

 News Technology

Internet Speeds May Increase 100x

Australian researchers have developed a technology that could potentially increase internet speeds by up to 100 times using existing fiber optic networks. The team, led