News Technology

Floating Offshore Solar Parks Generate Power

A new technology developed by scientists and engineers at the Technical University of Vienna could soon make it possible to build floating solar parks on

 News Technology

Dubai’s Autonomous Taxi Drones

Dubai, known for its extreme buildings and cutting-edge technology, is set to revolutionize transportation once again with the introduction of self-flying taxi drones in July

 News Technology

7+ Days Battery Life Smartphone

Intelligent Energy, a British company that has already installed fuel cells in London taxis and even charged an iPhone with hydrogen, has received a €6.7

 News Technology

Electric race car sets acceleration record.

In the past, electric cars were often associated with slow, small vehicles with limited range. However, this image is now outdated as engineers are competing

 News Technology

Revolutionary 1,000-Core Processor Runs on Single AA Battery

The image of electric cars as slow, small vehicles with limited range is outdated. Today, engineers are competing to create the fastest electric race cars.

 News Technology

Customize Your Sneakers with App

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the University of California have created the world’s first 1,000-core processor. This processor is capable of executing 1.78 trillion

 News Technology

Snore-stopping pillow nudges sleepers

A new pillow has been developed that gently nudges snorers to turn over in their sleep. The Zeeq pillow is not only comfortable, but also

 News Technology

Revolutionary Spherical Tires by Goodyear

Goodyear, the tire manufacturer, has unveiled a revolutionary new tire design at the 86th International Motor Show in Geneva. The tire is spherical in shape

 News Technology

SkyWall 100: Shooting Drones Down

The new drone defense cannon, SkyWall 100, is capable of gently bringing drones back to the ground when pilots do not adhere to bans and

 News Technology

Unbreakable encryption by KI

Dubai, known for its extreme buildings and cutting-edge technology, is set to revolutionize transportation once again with the introduction of self-flying taxi drones in July