News Technology

Transparent Solar Cells Developed

Intelligent Energy, a British company that has already installed fuel cells in London taxis and even charged an iPhone with hydrogen, has received a €6.7

 News Technology

Light Speed Increased by Computer Chip

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at Harvard University have constructed a computer chip that can manipulate light in ways previously thought impossible. By using a

 News Biology

AI solves immortal flatworm mystery

For over a century, scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of the immortal flatworm. Now, an artificial intelligence has solved the puzzle in

 News Technology

Seeing Through Objects and Creatures

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at Harvard University have constructed a computer chip that can manipulate light in ways previously thought impossible. By using a

 News Physics

Magnetic Metal Created from Non-Magnetic Material

Researchers have successfully magnetized copper, a metal that is naturally non-magnetic, using carbon. This breakthrough discovery could lead to the development of novel magnets for

 News Technology

World’s Smallest Particle Accelerator

Physicists at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California have developed a particle accelerator that is significantly smaller and cheaper than the Large Hadron Collider

 News Technology

Safer Overtaking with LKW-Displays

Samsung, the South Korean tech giant, has developed a new technology that aims to make overtaking large trucks safer. The company has installed cameras on

 News Technology

Minecraft in 3D hologram: HoloLens

Microsoft Unveils Revolutionary Augmented-Reality Headset at E3 2015 Microsoft, the world-renowned tech giant known for its Windows operating system and Xbox gaming console, has unveiled

 News Physics

New Superconductor Conducts at Room Temperature

In a groundbreaking discovery, an international team of scientists has developed a superconductor that no longer needs to be cooled to transport electricity without resistance.

 News Technology

Stratolaunch Builds World’s Largest Aircraft

Stratolaunch Systems, a US-based company, is currently building the world’s largest aircraft, The Roc, with a wingspan of 117 meters. The aircraft is designed to