News Medicine

Universal Cancer Vaccine on Horizon

German researchers may have made a breakthrough in the fight against cancer with the help of a vaccine. Every year, 224,000 people in Germany die

 News Medicine

Double Survival Rate with Aspirin

A recent study conducted by Dutch researchers has found that regular intake of low doses of aspirin can almost double the average survival rate of

 News Biology

Scent of Women Calms Minds

New scientific findings suggest that aggressive behavior in fruit flies can be compared to that of humans. The presence of female counterparts has a significant

 News Medicine

Cannabis Reduces Tumor Growth

British scientists have confirmed that the cannabis compound Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be used as a therapy against tumor growth. The plant has been found to

 News Medicine

Reprogrammed Killer Cells Fight Cancer

Japanese researchers are turning to reprogrammed killer cells to fight cancer by targeting specific cancer cells in the body. However, these killer cells may also

 News Medicine

Scientists develop HIV vaccine.

Spanish researchers have developed a new vaccine against the dangerous and previously incurable immune deficiency disease, AIDS. The HIV vaccine is well-tolerated and could reliably

 News Biology

Blind mice protect against cancer

Blind mole rats, which live underground, are one of the few animals on Earth that never develop cancer. Scientists have discovered that a collective cell