News Economics

Bitcoin: Legal Tender in El Salvador

El Salvador made history by becoming the first country to make bitcoin legal tender, meaning that businesses are required to accept it as a medium

 News Medicine

WHO demands China clarify mysterious lung illnesses.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on China to provide information about a recent surge in lung infections among children. The situation has raised

 News Medicine

The Invisible Influence: Pharma Money and Medication Choice

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City has investigated whether financial support from pharmaceutical

 News Economics

Meat regains positive image

Meat has been getting a bad reputation in recent years, but a new study shows that consumers’ perception of it is changing. More people are

 News Environment

Wind turbines face conspiracy theories

The construction of new wind turbines in Germany is often hindered by conspiracy theories. However, demographic factors such as age, education level, or political orientation

 News Environment

Decrease in Number of Hurricanes

The construction of new wind turbines in Germany is often hindered by conspiracy theories. However, demographic factors such as age, education level, or political orientation

 News Economics

Predicting Salaries in Job Ads

A groundbreaking development in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has emerged from the Stanford Institute for Human Centered Artificial Intelligence (Stanford HAI) at

 News Medicine

Industry seeks to use E-patient record data for research

The German industry is calling for easier access to electronic patient record data, claiming that current regulations are endangering “cutting-edge health data research” in the

 News Medicine

Food Studies Funded by Industry

A new study has found that many studies in the nutrition and diet field are funded by the food industry, and the results are often

 News Economics

Facebook threatens scientists with advertising

Facebook Attempts to Halt Research Project on Presidential Election Advertising Facebook has threatened to stop a research project by New York University (NYU) that investigates