News Medicine

First full human eye transplant

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors at NYU Langone Health have successfully transplanted a complete eye to a patient who lost his left eye and

 News Medicine

Pig Heart Transplanted into Human

A groundbreaking medical procedure has taken place in the United States, where a person with a life-threatening heart condition has received a genetically modified pig

 News Medicine

Organ Donor Blood Type Changed

Scientists from the University Health Network (UHN) in Toronto have discovered a way to convert organs with blood types A and B into universal donor

 News Biology

Human-Ape Chimera Embryo Created in China

Chinese scientists have successfully created a hybrid of human stem cells and monkey embryos, sparking ethical concerns among experts. Chimeras, or hybrids, possess the genetic

 News Medicine

Artificial Kidney Developed by Scientists

A groundbreaking development in the field of medical science has been made by an international team of researchers who have successfully created a prototype of

 News Medicine

Growing Human Skin with Hair and Nerves from Stem Cells

Scientists have successfully grown nearly complete human skin from embryonic stem cells, which could be used in the future to treat skin diseases, reconstructive surgery

 News Medicine

Revolutionary Method for Organ Freezing

A breakthrough in organ transportation has been made by scientists from the Harvard Medical School, the Massachusetts General Hospital, and the National Institute of Biomedical