News Biology

Jumping Worms Use Static Electricity

In a fascinating discovery, researchers at Hiroshima University have found that tiny nematode worms, Caenorhabditis elegans, use static electricity to jump, glide through the air,

 News Technology

Battery Tanker to Transport Power

PowerX, a Japanese company, has designed a battery tanker that can transport large amounts of energy across the world’s oceans, similar to an oil tanker.

 News Economics

Cars and Co. Barely Cover Road Costs

The financial burden on drivers and road hauliers in Germany is a topic of concern, with many feeling that they are paying too much. However,

 News Environment

Massive marine protected area established

The transport sector in Germany has failed to reduce its CO2 emissions since 1990, making it the only industry to do so. To combat this,

 News Archeology

Transporting Easter Island’s Moai Statues

Transporting the massive Moai statues, weighing up to 74 tons and scattered throughout Easter Island, has long puzzled scientists. However, researchers have now discovered a