News Economics

Educated Germans Bike More

A recent study conducted by sociologist Ansgar Hudde from the University of Cologne has found that people with higher education levels in Germany tend to

 News Environment

Cycle Instead of Drive: Save 3.2 kg CO2 Daily

A recent study conducted by an international team of scientists, led by Christian Brand, has found that city dwellers can reduce their carbon dioxide (CO2)

 News Medicine

Car Noise Increases Dementia Risk

A new study conducted by scientists at the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute in Denmark has found that long-term exposure to noise pollution from road and

 News Technology

Chinese Maglev Train Reaches 600 km/h

China has unveiled its first self-developed series of Maglev trains, which can reach a top speed of 600 km/h, making it one of the fastest

 News Medicine

Commute Health: Car vs Bike?

A recent study conducted by scientists from the Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge has found that cycling to work instead of driving

 News Technology

AirCar completes first intercity test flight.

The AirCar, a dual car and airplane, has successfully completed its first test flight from city to city. Developed by Slovakian start-up Klein Vision, the

 News Technology

Hyperloop to Replace Trucks in Netherlands

Hardt Hyperloop, a startup based in Delft, has announced plans to build a 10,000 km long Hyperloop network across Europe. The Hyperloop system is capable

 News Environment

Tourism Contributes 8% to CO2 Emissions

Tourism is responsible for eight percent of global CO2 emissions, making it a significant contributor to climate change. According to a new study by the

 News Technology

Simulating complex train noises.

Swiss researchers have developed a highly complex computer model that realistically predicts the noise generated by passing trains in order to minimize noise pollution near

 News Technology

New hydrogen train replaces diesel

A new hydrogen-powered train, known as the Hydrail, has been unveiled in Ludwigshafen, Germany. The train, manufactured by Alstom, is designed to replace traditional diesel