News Technology

Hydrogen Hypersonic Jet Flies 6,000 km/h

Destinus, a start-up company, has successfully tested a prototype of its hydrogen-powered hypersonic jet. The aircraft is designed to enable emission-free travel at Mach 5

 News Technology

China’s Successful Hyperloop Test

China Successfully Tests Hyperloop with Plans for High-Speed Passenger Transport China has recently completed several successful tests of a Hyperloop, a high-speed transportation system that

 News Technology

China’s Hypersonic Passenger Plane

China is developing a hypersonic passenger aircraft that is expected to reach a speed of 7,413 km/h, with commercial flights set to begin in 2035.

 News Psychology

Why Does the Return Trip Seem Shorter?

Have you ever noticed that the return trip from a vacation always seems to go by faster than the journey there? This phenomenon is known