News Technology

Ultrasonic Kitchen Knife Start-up

Revolutionary Ultrasound Kitchen Knife Developed by Start-Up 369Sonic In a world-first, Czech start-up 369Sonic has developed an innovative kitchen knife that uses ultrasound technology to

 News Medicine

First Brain Surgery on Baby in Womb

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital have successfully operated on a fetus with a life-threatening condition called Vena-Galeni-Malformation (VOGM). This condition

 News Physics

Improved Ultrasound Image Resolution with Mathematical Model

A new mathematical model has been developed that can predict the behavior of ultrasound waves, providing the basis for ultrasound images with significantly higher resolution.

 News Medicine

Opening Blood-Brain Barrier with Ultrasound

A breakthrough in cancer treatment has been made by scientists at Northwestern University in the US, who have developed a method of temporarily opening the

 News Medicine

Stick-on Ultrasound Device Developed

Revolutionary Ultrasound Device Allows for High-Quality Long-Term Imaging of Human Organs In the field of medicine, ultrasound is one of the safest methods for non-invasive

 News Technology

Revolutionary 3D Printing for Medical Use

Researchers at Concordia University in Montreal have developed an innovative 3D printing process that can build objects inside the human body. The Direct Sound Printing

 News Biology

Moths Hear Ultrasound Frequencies

The Great Wax Moth has an incredibly simple yet powerful hearing ability that can detect ultrasound up to 300 kHz. This is in stark contrast