News Technology

Floating City Designed for 40,000

A floating city for 40,000 people has been designed by architects, with a focus on serving as a health center. The Dogen City, created by

 News Psychology

City vs. Country: Smarter Residents?

The Savanna Theory of Happiness suggests that people with lower IQs prefer the routine life of the countryside, while more intelligent individuals appreciate the variety

 News Economics

“The Line”: Construction of Car-Free Megacity Revealed

Saudi Arabia’s ambitious plan to build an eco-friendly megacity called “The Line” in the desert has taken a significant step forward. The project, which was

 News Environment

Climate Change Increases Displacement Risk

Climate-related disasters have forced 10.3 million people to flee their homes in the last six months, according to data from the International Red Cross and

 News Environment

Revolutionary Software for Eco-City Design

Cities have long been hotspots for pollution, noise, and waste, but how can they be made more sustainable and greener? This is one of the

 News Environment

Saudi Arabia Builds Car-Free City

Saudi Arabia is set to begin construction on a new city called “The Line” that will have no roads for cars and produce zero carbon

 News Technology

5 Watts per Step with Floor Tiles

Revolutionary floor tiles that generate usable energy with every step have been developed by Pavegen. Energy is all around us, it just needs to be