News Environment

Climate Change Increases Dog Bite Risk

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, with rising temperatures and extreme weather events becoming more frequent. A recent study by the Potsdam

 News Astronomy

Universe Becoming More Hostile to Life

In the early universe, planets with dense ozone layers could form, providing protection for the atmosphere and serving as a prerequisite for complex life. However,

 News Medicine

UV-protective contacts replace sunglasses.

Contact lenses with UV filters can almost completely prevent UV damage and replace sunglasses even in patients with corneal stem cell transplantation. Recent measurements in

 News Medicine

Microbiome Boosts Immune System Against Skin Cancer

Microorganisms living on the skin protect against the immunosuppressive effects of UV radiation. Disinfecting the skin can weaken the natural protective effect and increase the

 News Medicine

Success in Skin Cancer Vaccinations

In two independent studies, scientists have achieved initial success with a vaccine against black skin cancer. Both approaches stimulate the patient’s immune system to attack

 News Environment

Record-breaking UV radiation in Bolivia

In a shocking discovery, a team of researchers from the United States and Germany have reported that the highest level of UV radiation ever recorded