News Medicine

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Long-COVID Risk

A new study from the University of Oxford has found that the risk of developing Long-Covid symptoms is significantly lower in individuals who have received

 News Medicine

Safe Second Covid Vaccine After Allergic Reaction

A Covid-19 second dose is safe for individuals who experienced a severe allergic reaction during their first vaccination, according to a meta-analysis conducted by McMaster

 News Medicine

Flu epidemic warning until summer

The flu season of 2021/2022 could extend into the summer due to reduced measures against Covid-19. Lockdowns, masks, and social distancing as a norm prevented

 News Psychology

Unvaccinated Germans lean towards right-wing parties.

A majority of unvaccinated individuals in Germany voted for right-wing parties in the recent federal election, with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and “Die Basis”

 News Medicine

German Ethics Council Supports Vaccine Mandate

The German Ethics Council has recommended expanding the country’s vaccination mandate to include “significant parts of the population.” Currently, only healthcare workers and staff in

 News Medicine

Delta Variant Transmitted Equally by Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

A recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has found that the transmission

 News Medicine

Boost Vaccination with 2G Rules

The announcement of stricter COVID-19 restrictions for unvaccinated individuals in Austria has led to an increase in vaccination rates, according to a study by the

 News Medicine

Flu vaccine may ease COVID-19

A recent study presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) has found that getting a flu shot can reduce the

 News Medicine

Immediate Contact Restrictions and Vaccination Mandate

The German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, has called for a general vaccination mandate and strict contact restrictions that apply to both vaccinated and recovered

 News Medicine

Legal barriers to Covid-19 vaccination mandate in Germany.

A majority of the German population supports the introduction of a Covid-19 vaccination mandate. However, a recent report by the Bundestag suggests that legal obstacles