News Medicine

Rising Paralyzed Children Worry US Authorities

A mysterious polio-like illness is spreading across the United States, leaving hundreds of children paralyzed. The cause of the disease, known as acute flaccid myelitis

 News Medicine

Artificial Smallpox Virus Threatens Millions

Scientists are warning that artificially created viruses could potentially kill millions of people in the future. Researchers are calling for a halt to further research

 News Medicine

HIV hiding in human body found

A recent article published in the scientific journal Nature by a team of French scientists has given new hope to doctors and HIV-infected patients. The

 News Biology

Reviving a 700-year-old virus

A virus that has been trapped in ice for over 700 years has been discovered by scientists from the Department of Plant Pathology at the

 News Medicine

Algae virus lowers human intelligence

A virus that can impair cognitive functions in the human brain has been discovered by a team of scientists from the John Hopkins Medical School

 News Biology

Mystery of Unknown Viruses’ DNA

French researchers have discovered a new giant virus that surpasses all previously known giant viruses. However, the researchers are puzzled because the genes of the