News Biology

Savannah Animals’ Biggest Fear?

A new study has revealed that elephants, rhinos, and giraffes are more afraid of human voices than the roars of lions, which are considered the

 News Biology

New hybrid of fox and dog discovered

A wild animal was discovered in Brazil in 2021, resembling a dog but behaving more like a wild fox. The animal was severely injured in

 News Biology

Rhinoceros Populations Rise Despite Poaching

The number of rhinos in Africa has significantly increased despite ongoing poaching, with plans to release 2,000 more rhinos into the wild. According to the

 News Biology

Europe’s frog hunger threatens populations

The high demand for frog legs in the EU is endangering wild frog populations in their countries of origin. To prevent the extinction of these

 News Biology

Giant Aga Toad Found in Australia

A giant, poisonous cane toad has been discovered in Australia, breaking the world record for its species. Weighing in at a whopping 2.7 kilograms, the

 News Biology

Reviving Tasmanian Tiger with Genetic Engineering

The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been extinct for 86 years. However, scientists are now attempting to revive the largest predatory marsupial

 News Biology

Do Chimpanzees Have Simple Language?

The vocal communication system of chimpanzees is much more complex than previously thought, potentially indicating that the intelligent primates possess a simple language. Researchers from

 News Biology

New Giant Squirrel Species Discovered

The elusive rock flying squirrel, a mammal that can grow up to a meter long and weigh two and a half kilos, has been found

 News Biology

Impressive Immune System of Canaries

Kanary birds are one of the oldest domesticated birds, known for their vibrant colors and beautiful singing. However, recent research has revealed that these seemingly

 News Biology

Deadly Bacterial Toxin Kills Eagles

A mysterious disease has been killing bald eagles since the 1990s, and now the cause has finally been discovered. The disease, called vacuolar myelopathy, causes