News Technology

New Wind Turbine with Small Wheels

Norwegian company Wind Catching Systems (WCS) has unveiled a new offshore wind power system that can generate electricity for 80,000 European households. With wind farm

 News Environment

Germany meets climate goals due to pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on CO2 emissions, resulting in a decrease in Germany’s emissions. However, according to a study by Agora

 News Technology

Solar Hydrogen Storage for Homes

The first hydrogen battery for private homes has been developed to address the issue of energy supply reliability in solar and wind power. The transition

 News Technology

Floating Wind Turbine Tested Successfully

A floating wind turbine model, Nezzy2, has been successfully tested during a storm surge in the Baltic Sea. The full-sized Nezzy2 will be tested for

 News Environment

Global Map of Wind and Solar Power Plants

A new map based on OpenStreetMap data is now available, showing the global presence of photovoltaic and wind power plants. The data is intended to

 News Technology

Sail-hulled Cargo Ships Harness Wind

In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of shipping, Norwegian engineer Terje Lade has developed a new type of cargo ship that uses wind