News Environment

More Wind Turbines in Germany

Germany has seen a significant increase in the construction and approval of new wind turbines, but one region is still lagging behind. The federal government

 News Medicine

Wind turbines’ infrasound doesn’t disturb sleep.

A recent study conducted by the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research (WIMR) has found that the infrasound produced by wind turbines does not negatively affect

 News Environment

Wind turbines face conspiracy theories

The construction of new wind turbines in Germany is often hindered by conspiracy theories. However, demographic factors such as age, education level, or political orientation

 News Environment

Birds at Risk in Windy Regions

Wind power presents a dilemma for humanity. On one hand, wind turbines and power lines cause the death of birds and bats, while on the

 News Biology

Bat breaks long-distance record

A young Nathusius’ pipistrelle bat has set a long-distance record in Europe, surprising researchers. These bats are known to travel long distances, flying in groups

 News Technology

Exploring Potential of Airborne Wind Turbines

A new study conducted by the Polytechnic University of Milan has analyzed the potential of airborne wind energy (AWE) technology. AWE involves using flying objects

 News Technology

Self-healing composite for wind turbines

A new composite material has been developed that can self-repair using a thermoplastic healing agent, significantly increasing the lifespan of wind turbines. Laminated composite materials

 News Technology

Revolutionary Wind Energy Technology

Revolutionary Wind Turbines Could Change the Future of Wind Energy The acceptance of wind energy in Germany has faced significant challenges, particularly from those living

 News Physics

Quieter Wind Turbines with Optimized Blade Structure

Wind turbines have been a source of renewable energy for many years, but their noise pollution has been a persistent issue. However, researchers from Xi’an

 News Physics

Global Network Seeks Dark Matter

Wind turbines have been a source of renewable energy for many years, but their noise pollution has been a persistent issue. However, researchers from Xi’an