News Medicine

Omikron offers 67% lower mortality

A recent analysis by the Office for National Statistics (OMS) has revealed that the risk of death from an Omicron infection is significantly lower than

 News Economics

Gender Inequality Persists with Age

A new study by researchers at the University of Singapore has found that while women in OECD countries tend to live longer than men, they

 News Archeology

17th Century Metal Coffin Unearthed

A strange metal container was discovered by workers during excavation for a residential building in Litzlberg, Austria. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be

 News Psychology

Men Lie More Than Women.

A recent meta-analysis of over 44,000 participants has revealed that men tend to lie more frequently than women. However, the analysis also shows that age

 News Medicine

Better Sleep with Dogs in Bed

Dogs are not only known as man’s best friend, but also as a better sleeping partner – at least for women. According to a recent

 News Medicine

Women have better sense of smell.

Women have long been known to have a better sense of smell than men, despite having a similar number of olfactory receptors and a smaller