News Medicine

New virus infects dozens in China.

Dozens of people in China have been infected with the newly discovered Langya-Henipavirus (LayV), which is believed to have originated from animals. According to a

 News Medicine

New Pig Coronavirus Infects Human Cells

A new study has found that the Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus (SADS-CoV), which has a mortality rate of 90% in piglets, can also infect

 News Medicine

Coronavirus Spreads on Asian Animal Markets

A new study has revealed that 75% of bats and 34% of rats in Vietnamese animal markets are infected with coronaviruses. The research was conducted

 News Medicine

Animal diseases spreading to humans

A new UN study has raised concerns that diseases could increasingly jump from animals to humans in the future. The study warns that the massive

 News Medicine

Pandemic-Capable Influenza Virus Detected in Germany

A recent study conducted by the United Nations has revealed that animal diseases are increasingly being transmitted to humans. This is due to the exchange