Welcome to Scirelease.com, provided by Scirelease Limited. By using our website and services, you agree to the following terms and conditions (“Terms”). Please read them carefully.

General Terms:

1. Use of the Website and Services:
• By using our services, you agree to these Terms. Review them regularly for updates.
• Access to our website may be temporary; we reserve the right to change it without notice.
• While we strive for accurate information, we do not guarantee the completeness or timeliness of content.

2. Intellectual Property Rights:
• We own or hold licenses for all intellectual property rights in our services and materials.
• You may not use the service or materials in any way that infringes on intellectual property rights.

3. Liability:
• Services are provided “as is.” We are not liable for specific requirements, uninterrupted access, or errors.
• We are not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites.

4. Linking to Our Website:
• We reserve the right to prohibit links to our materials or information at our discretion.
• Linked content must not be misleading, deceptive, or suggest an association that doesn’t exist.

5. Events Outside Our Control (Force Majeure):
• We are not liable for failure to perform due to events outside our control.
• We’ll minimize disruptions caused by such events to the best of our ability.

6. Governing Law:
• These Terms are governed by French law.
• Consumer rights under local laws are respected.

7. Contact/Complaints:
• For complaints or inquiries, contact us using the provided details.
Privacy & Cookies Policy: For personal information use, see our Privacy and Cookies Policy.