A new thermomantle developed in China is set to protect electric car batteries from temperature fluctuations, potentially increasing their lifespan. Researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University have created a thermomantle that can reduce the temperature of an electric car by up to eight degrees Celsius on hot days and increase it by up to 6.8 degrees Celsius on cold nights. The thermomantle is made of fine fibers of silica and aluminum and functions like a protective layer of clothing, keeping the car cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The material could also be used for insulation in buildings, spaceships, and even space stations.

Electric cars face a daily challenge of dealing with extreme temperature changes throughout the year, which can not only affect the vehicle but also the battery. The thermomantle is designed to shield the car from the environment, with an outer layer that reflects sunlight and an inner layer that captures heat. The mantle works by using a process called photon recycling, which keeps the energy circulating between the vehicle and the mantle, rather than dissipating into the environment. This conserves heat and keeps the electric car warm even in low temperatures.

The thermomantle has already been successfully tested in China, with impressive results. While the interior of an uncovered electric car rose to over 50 degrees Celsius at midday, the thermomantle reduced the temperature in a similar vehicle by an impressive 22.8 to 27.7 degrees Celsius. The protected vehicle was almost eight degrees cooler than the outside temperature. The thermomantle could be a game-changer for electric cars, potentially increasing the lifespan of batteries and making them more efficient in extreme weather conditions.

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