A recent study conducted by international strategy consulting firm Strategy& has revealed which countries are best prepared for the transition to electric vehicles. The study, which is part of consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), assessed various factors such as government incentives, charging infrastructure, and customer demand for electric vehicles. Germany ranked sixth out of 17 countries globally, and third in Europe, with only Norway and Switzerland performing better. Despite this, a separate study by the Center of Automotive Management (CAM) suggests that Germany is unlikely to meet its electric vehicle targets set by the government.

Germany’s strong interest in electric vehicles and relatively advanced charging infrastructure were cited as key factors in its ranking. However, the slow pace of public charging station expansion was also highlighted as a concern. The study’s global rankings were dominated by Hong Kong, Norway, and China, with Norway standing out for its comprehensive electric vehicle offerings, accounting for nearly 80% of new vehicle registrations. Both China and Hong Kong offer similar government incentives to Germany, but in the form of tax benefits rather than direct purchase premiums.

Despite extensive government support, countries such as Italy and Spain lag behind in electric vehicle readiness. Another study by Strategy& contradicts the positive findings of the eReadyness-Index, suggesting that Germany’s public charging station expansion is too slow and inefficient. The KfW development bank’s data supports this claim, indicating that electric vehicle charging stations in Germany are being built inefficiently.

In conclusion, while Germany ranks relatively high in electric vehicle readiness, it is unlikely to meet its government targets without significant improvements in public charging infrastructure. The global rankings highlight the importance of comprehensive electric vehicle offerings and government incentives in driving electric vehicle adoption.

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