A new study has revealed the most common topics of arguments among couples in Germany, as well as the most frequent triggers for men and women. While disagreements are considered normal in relationships, the frequency and intensity of these arguments can have a significant impact on the longevity of the partnership. According to the study conducted by a well-known German dating portal, around 94% of German couples argue regularly. The survey included 2,000 participants who were asked to provide their subjective opinions on the frequency and reasons for their arguments.

The study found that women and men have different triggers for arguments. For women, the most common reasons for arguments with their partners, in order of frequency, were: For men, the ranking of the most common causes of arguments was slightly different, with the following reasons being the most frequent, in order of frequency:

It is worth noting that the study did not provide any insights into how couples resolve their arguments or whether they are able to overcome their differences. However, the findings do highlight the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution skills in maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. Experts suggest that couples should work on developing these skills to avoid arguments from escalating and causing irreparable damage to their relationship.

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