A well-functioning state is often associated with democracy and citizen rights. However, a recent study conducted by Theresa Paola Stawski, a political scientist at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, reveals that there are many more criteria that determine whether a state is functioning well. These include the quality of healthcare, infrastructure development, and availability of education. The study, which analyzed 173 countries, found that Singapore is at the top of the ranking, followed by the United Arab Emirates. Surprisingly, the United States is only at position 23, while Germany ranks at number 10.

Stawski emphasizes that the presence of democracy is not necessarily required for a state to function well. Even in countries without freedom of speech, the population can still have access to essential needs. Therefore, it is not sufficient to focus solely on democratic aspects when researching state systems. The study also takes into account informal structures, such as corruption, which can affect a state’s functionality. Countries with corrupt authorities or biased police forces can still have a low ranking, even if they have enough resources.

Germany’s ranking may come as a surprise to some, as the state and its government are often criticized. However, the study shows that many state services that are taken for granted in Germany are not available in other countries. The analysis also reveals that Germany can learn from Estonia, a Baltic country that ranks higher in the index. Stawski suggests that well-implemented reforms can increase state functionality, while mere changes in government often have little impact.

In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of considering various criteria when evaluating a state’s functionality. It also emphasizes that democracy is not the only factor that determines a state’s success. The ranking provides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different countries, allowing policymakers to identify areas for improvement.

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