Intelligent Energy, a British company that has already installed fuel cells in London taxis and even charged an iPhone with hydrogen, has received a €6.7 million investment from an unknown smartphone manufacturer to develop fuel cells for smartphones. The aim is to integrate the fuel cells directly into the smartphones, rather than as an external battery. The company hopes to have the new smartphone battery ready for market in two years, with a battery life of over a week. The idea of using fuel cells to power smartphones is not new, but Intelligent Energy is hoping to make it a reality.

Smartphones have become increasingly powerful over the years, but battery life has remained a major issue. Intelligent Energy is hoping to change this by developing a fuel cell that can power a smartphone for over a week. The company has received a €6.7 million investment from an unknown smartphone manufacturer to develop the technology, which will be integrated directly into the smartphones. The company hopes to have the new battery ready for market in two years.

Intelligent Energy has already installed fuel cells in London taxis and even charged an iPhone with hydrogen. The company is hoping to make fuel cells a reality for smartphones, which would be a major breakthrough in the industry. The technology is not without its challenges, however, as the energy production from fuel cells is highly inefficient. Nevertheless, Intelligent Energy is confident that it can overcome these challenges and bring a new era of smartphone battery life to consumers.

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