The United States has become the second country to allow the sale of lab-grown chicken meat, with two companies receiving approval from the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Good-Meat and Upside Foods are the first companies to be granted permission to sell lab-grown chicken meat commercially in the US. This decision is seen as a significant step towards a more sustainable future, as the global consumption of meat is a major contributor to climate change. The production of lab-grown meat could provide a solution to the challenges and ethical questions surrounding intensive animal farming and slaughter.

Good-Meat was the first company in the world to receive permission to sell lab-grown meat in Singapore in 2020. The CEO of Upside Foods, Uma Valeti, described the approval in the US as a moment that the company had been working towards for almost seven years. The production of lab-grown meat involves growing animal cells in a lab and then using them to create meat products. This process is seen as a more sustainable alternative to traditional animal farming, which requires large amounts of land and produces significant emissions, including methane.

The approval of lab-grown meat in the US has been welcomed by supporters who see it as a step towards a more sustainable future. However, opponents argue that the production of lab-grown meat requires a significant amount of energy and may not be a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional meat production. Despite these concerns, the approval of lab-grown meat in the US is a significant milestone in the development of sustainable food production and could pave the way for further innovation in this area.

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