More and more parents are opting for a vegan diet for their children, believing it to be a healthier option. However, German doctors are warning that this trend is causing serious harm to children’s health. Children as young as two years old are suffering from malnutrition, anemia, and even brain shrinkage due to a lack of essential nutrients. While some children may require a vegan diet due to allergies or intolerances, doctors are concerned about those who are being fed a vegan diet without any medical reason. This dangerous trend is becoming more common in Germany, with a small but growing group of parents choosing to feed their children a vegan diet.

Dr. Martin Claßen, Chief Physician of the Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the Klinikum Links der Weser in Bremen, warns that this trend is on the rise. While some parents may be well-intentioned, they may not have the necessary knowledge to provide a balanced vegan diet for their children. The German Society for Nutrition advises against a vegan diet for children, as it can be difficult to obtain all the necessary nutrients without animal products. While some vegans argue that supplements can provide the missing nutrients, doctors find this argument absurd. They believe that parents should not experiment with their children’s health without proper knowledge and training.

Professor Michael Melter, a pediatrician, believes that the state should intervene and provide education for parents on proper nutrition. He argues that just as children receive education in schools, parents should also receive education on nutrition. This would help prevent dangerous trends like the vegan diet for children. While some children may require a vegan diet for medical reasons, doctors warn that parents should not choose this diet without proper knowledge and guidance. The health of children should always be the top priority.

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