In order to prevent a potential fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, experts say that a vaccination rate of 85% among 18-59 year olds and 90% among older individuals is necessary. However, current vaccination rates in Germany and Austria fall short of this goal. To address this issue, researchers at the Medical University of Vienna conducted a survey of 3,067 individuals in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland to determine what incentives would increase vaccination willingness. The survey found that the ability to choose one’s own vaccine would be the most effective incentive, with 23.5% of unvaccinated respondents saying they would be more likely to get vaccinated if they could choose their vaccine. Other incentives that would increase vaccination willingness include vouchers (8.7%) and the chance to participate in a lottery with prizes (6.6%).

The survey also revealed that there are many misconceptions about the cost of Covid-19 vaccinations, with 15.8% of respondents saying they would get vaccinated if it were free. However, vaccinations are already free in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. “The results of our survey clearly show that a significant proportion of currently unvaccinated individuals in Austria would be motivated to get vaccinated by appropriate incentives,” said epidemiologist Eva Schernhammer of the Center for Public Health at the Medical University of Vienna. The survey results were similar in Switzerland and Germany.

Overall, the survey suggests that offering incentives such as the ability to choose one’s own vaccine, vouchers, and lotteries could significantly increase vaccination willingness in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. However, it is important to address misconceptions about the cost of vaccinations and provide accurate information to the public. With the potential for a fourth wave of the pandemic looming, increasing vaccination rates is crucial to prevent further spread of the virus.

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