A new alternative to butter has been developed by researchers at Cornell University in the United States. The alternative, which is made mostly of water, offers the same consistency, mouthfeel, and taste as butter but contains significantly fewer calories. Butter is a controversial food due to its high fat content and high levels of saturated fats. However, it is also an important source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. The new butter alternative, which contains only 2.8 grams of fat and 25.2 calories per tablespoon, compared to 11 grams of fat and 100 calories in regular butter, could be a healthier option for calorie-conscious consumers.

To create the innovative butter alternative, the researchers developed a method for emulsifying large amounts of water with tiny droplets of plant oil and milk fat. They did not need to use artificial stabilizers to mimic the properties of real butter. The resulting high-internal-phase emulsion (HIPE) contains 20% oil and 80% water, giving it the same texture and functionality as butter. The researchers believe that the HIPE technology could be used to create other healthier food products by adjusting the composition to meet taste, preference, and nutritional requirements.

According to Michelle C. Lee, the demand for low-fat, high-protein products is increasing worldwide due to rising health awareness among consumers. The new butter alternative could be a healthier solution for calorie-conscious consumers who want to maintain a balanced diet. The researchers hope that their innovative technology will lead to the development of other healthier food products that meet the needs of consumers.

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