WHO Scientists to Investigate Origin of COVID-19 in China

On January 14, 2021, independent scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO) arrived in China to investigate the origin of the COVID-19 virus. The Chinese government had previously attempted to block this politically sensitive investigation. The team of international experts will work with local specialists to determine whether the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus can be traced. The investigation will begin in Wuhan, the central Chinese city where the virus was first discovered.

The Chinese government had initially prevented the entry of international experts for several weeks, but later allowed the investigation to proceed after some preparations were made. However, the scientists will have limited time to conduct their investigation due to the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, which will cause many institutes and businesses to close. The investigation is considered politically sensitive, and both the WHO and the scientists involved have downplayed its significance in official statements. The Chinese government has been spreading information to cast doubt on the virus originating in China, and has called for similar investigations to be conducted in other countries. However, experts such as Fabian Leendertz from the Robert Koch Institute believe that bats from southern China are the most likely source of the virus.

The investigation is crucial in identifying the source and route of introduction of the virus to the human population. The WHO and the international community are closely monitoring the investigation, which will provide valuable insights into the origins of the pandemic.

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